Friday, February 5, 2010

Minister John Robinson Address to Mayor and Council : Sharing of Contracts and "We need some Money too"

#100-11-2009 Omissions by local press:

Citizens to be heard: Address before “Valdosta City Council Meeting on November 4, 2009, at 5:30 PM. BY: (Mr. John Robinson during Citizens to be heard)

Mr. Mayor and Council!

SUBJECT: Small Emerging Businesses!

My name is John Robinson. I live at: ADDRESS NOT POSTED HERE: My concern is about the Small Emerging Businesses. That Ah, I believe is the sector here and on this sector is: what guarantees does Disadvantaged Minority Businesses have pertaining to a fair share of getting projects from Lowndes County or the City. Which, there has not been any fairness---as far as my points of view---at all in this city, or from this city. Ah, what guarantees do we have, and we need to find out something pertaining to the disparity study?

I spoke to Miss Avery over in Jacksonville. And I was CERTIFIED Disadvantaged Minority Business out of Jacksonville Florida with the program that you are using as a model. And that you are using to disparity test--that you are giving us, is ten (10) years old. And it doesn’t give us any guarantees of any kind. Ah, we are participating, and active citizens in business, as well as anyone else here. And we are expecting, to be participants in the rolls as far as, the bid process, the set side process, instead of those things that’s normal events---where certain people are excluded.

I know it might sound like some people may say, it may be---race issues, or whatever the case may be. But history have always revealed, and unfolded itself, as an on going cycle of things of events, and times, and events, as far as fairness, and unfairness due to the circumstances. That has been presented itself over the historical past----of this city, and in a lot of more cities--in the south.

We need some guarantees, because we have less ownership than anyone here. And we have a percentage, as far as being fifty-five (55) percent, as the citizens in this city. And---we want part of it. We want some fairness of it, and we want to--- know something about the DISPARITY. Thank you!

Response from Mayor John Fretti: “Thank you Sir! (From John Robinson)

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